भाषा बदला

Toilet Roll

Toilet Roll

टॉयलेट रोल किंमत आणि प्रमाण

  • 60
  • तुकडा/तुकडे
  • तुकडा/तुकडे

टॉयलेट रोल व्यापार माहिती

उत्पादन तपशील

Toilet paper is a tissue paper product primarily used to clean the anus and surrounding region of feces, and to clean the external genitalia and perineal area of urine. It is commonly supplied as a long strip of perforated paper wrapped around a paperboard core for storage in a dispenser near a toilet.
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Select Unit

  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000+
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मोबाईल number


टॉयलेट टिश्यू रोल मध्ये इतर उत्पादने

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